Author: Antonio Maria Guerra

How Is Mozzarella Made?

How is Mozzarella made? In this article we will find out how the ‘White Gold’ from the Italian region of Campania, is produced. A procedure whose origins date back to the Middle Ages, handed down for generations and used still today by the most traditional producers of this dairy speciality. True artisans of taste, gathered in the Consorzio di Tutela. Enjoy the reading!

How is Mozzarella made?
Here follows a list of the steps necessary for the production of Buffalo Mozzarella. In this regard, it should be remembered that a very similar procedure is also used for the other type of Mozzarella, the ‘Fior di Latte’ (click here for the printable version).

01. Fresh buffalo milk is transported to the dairy and stored in steel silos, from which it is later poured into special boilers.

02. Using these steel boilers, the milk is gradually heated to a temperature that can vary from 33°C to 39°C.

03. Natural calf rennet and whey graft are added to the milk: this leads to its coagulation and the formation of the ‘curd’.

04. The curd is broken into pieces not greater than a walnut. The liquid part (‘whey’) will be used for the production of Buffalo Ricotta.

05. The curd acidifies in the whey for a few hours (‘maturation’). It’s then cut into strips, chopped and placed in special containers (known as ‘filatrici’, ‘spinners’).

06. Boiling water at 100 ° C is poured into the spinners. Their content is then mixed with a stick, leading to the formation of a uniform paste (‘filatura’, ‘spinning’).

07. Morrarella takes shape through the ‘formatura’: a procedure carried out by hand or by machine. The ‘mozzatura’ occurs when the dough, subjected to traction, is ‘mozzata’ (‘torn’).

08. The pieces of cheese are then placed into special tanks filled with water, inside which they cool and harden. The final step is the ‘salatura’ (‘salting’).
Let’s find out the fascinating origins of Buffalo Mozzarella, as well as a large number of information and interesting facts. To read the article, please click on this LINK.
How is it made? Printable infographic.
Click HERE to view (and, eventually, download) a printable infographic showing the steps necessary to produce Buffalo Mozzarella.
The preparation in video.

Mozzarella: calories and nutritional values.
One hundred grams of buffalo the dairy specialty contain 288 kilocalories. There are fats (24gr), proteins (17gr), phosphorus (320mg), calcium (245mg), cholesterol (50 / 60mg) and lactose (0.4mg).

The Protected Designation of Origin (PDO)
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The PDO mark, assigned to Mozzarella di Bufala Campana (Buffalo Mozzarella) in June 1996, certifies the unique qualities of this cheese. The Consortium for the Protection of Mozzarella di Bufala Campana PDO has established a set of rules to guarantee its originality, allowing the consumer to savor its authentic flavor. Among these rules:
- The denomination ‘Mozzarella di Bufala Campana’;
- The trademark of the Consortium;
- The PDO mark;
- The identification number of the cheese producer;
The shapes and types.
The cheese is produced and marketed in different shapes:
- ‘Perline’, ‘Ciliegini’ and ‘Bocconcini’: rounded Mozzarellas of varying dimensions and weight. The latter can exceed half a kilo in the case of Mozzarella from Aversa (‘Mozzarella Aversana’);
- ‘Nodini’ and ‘Treccia’: braided Mozzarella, whose weight can reach three kilos;
The color of this cheese is milky white, its skin is thin and smooth;
‘Smoked Mozzarella’ is characterized by the smoking process that strongly affects its flavor: this consists in exposing the cheese to the smoke produced by burning straw or laurel.
The shape of this type of Mozzarella is round, its skin is thin, the external color is brown/amber, while the inside is white.

Consorzio di Tutela: information.
The Consortium for the Protection of Mozzarella di Bufala Campana was founded in 1981.
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Since its inception, its main tasks have been to verify compliance with the regulations concerning the production of this dairy specialty, to promote its qualities and to protect it from the many imitation attempts. These tasks became even more stringent the day after the assignment, which took place in 1996, of the Protected Designation of Origin (P.D.O.): the European mark certifying the unique qualities of a food product of excellence.

How to enjoy mozzarella at its best?
In order enjoy the specialty at its best, it’s important to pay much attention to:
- Its freshness: the fresher it is, the better. It should be ideally served as soon as it’s produced;
- Its temperature: Mozzarella, be it Buffalo Mozzarella or Fior di Latte, should never be eaten cold. After taking it from the fridge, it should be warmed by immersing it in lukewarm water;

The ‘Caprese’.
The ‘Caprese’, summer dish par excellence, was born in the enchanting island of Capri (hence the name), located in the Gulf of Naples. This specialty is one of the undisputed symbols of Italian gastronomy and, more in general, of the Mediterranean diet. What is most striking, is the simplicity of its preparation, for which it’s enough to alternate a few slices of tomato to some others of Mozzarella (better if Buffalo Mozzarella), seasoning with olive oil and garnishing with basil.

Consorzio di Tutela Mozzarella di Bufala Campana: contacts.
Address: Reggia di Caserta, Regie Cavallerizze
Via Gasparri, 1 – 81100 Caserta (Italia)
Official website:
Tel.: +39 0823 424780
Copyright information.
The images displayed in this page belong to WebFoodCulture and to the Consorzio di Tutela della Mozzarella di Bufala Campana PDO.